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성경백과 Bible Encyclopedia

Wadi Rum(와디럼)

Wadi Rum is a protected desert wilderness in southern Jordan. It features dramatic sandstone mountains like the many-domed Jebel Um Ishrin, and natural arches such as Burdah Rock Bridge. Many prehistoric inscriptions and carvings line rocky caverns and steep chasms, such as Khazali Canyon. The natural watering hole of Lawrence’s Spring is named after British soldier Lawrence of Arabia, who allegedly washed there.

와디럼은요르단의수도암만에서남쪽으로320km지점에위치한사막지대로붉은모래와바위산들이만들어내는다양한볼거리로인해세계에서가장매력적인사막이라불리고있다. 물이마른강이란뜻의“Wadi”높음을의미하는“Rum”결합된의미를가진와디럼은평지로보이는곳도사실해발1000m 정도의높은고도위에형성되어있다.

선사시대의고대아랍부족인나바테아인과아라비아반도와팔레스타인을오가던아라비아상인들의흔적을곳곳에서찾아있음은물론현재땅에서살아가고있는베두인족의모습까지, 인간이살아갈없는황폐한사막이아닌붉게타오르는현재진행형의땅이다.



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