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Maryland Vaccine Place

Maryland Health Department
allocate vaccines in four groups:
County Health Departments,
hospitals/healthcare systems,
private sector providers,
and State Mass Vaccination sites.

Each of these groups are responsible for administering the vaccine that is received through the phases set by the Governor.

The State has encouraged residents to register to receive a vaccine at locations that may have additional supply.

There are more than 100 private providers across the State who are administering the vaccine. Here are a select few in Howard County. For more information and to register, please visit COVIDVax.Maryland.gov.

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    워싱턴 하늘비전교회 Heavenly Vision Community Church | 담임목사: 장재웅 (Rev. Jaewoong Chang)
Address:7565 Teague Rd Hanover MD 21076 | Cell: (410)200-3859 | Office: (410)595-6958 | Email: mdkumc@gmail.com
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