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새벽만나 Early Morning QT

Mañana” – Tomorrow(Matthew 28:1)

“Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb” (Matt 28:1, NIV).

“Mañana” is the Spanish word for “tomorrow.” It is a beautiful word that evokes hope for the future, knowing that ‪after tonight‬’s darkness we will see the dawn of a new day.

The Bible says little about the Saturday that follows the Friday when Jesus was crucified. The only reference to this day occurs in Matthew 27:62-66, where Pilate orders soldiers to guard Jesus’ tomb.

We know that the male disciples were hiding from the authorities while the women disciples were preparing spices and perfumes to place over Jesus’ body ‪on Sunday morning‬.

The contrast is striking. One group lived that Saturday looking at Friday, paralyzed by the fear produced by Jesus’ brutal assassination. Yet, another group was looking forward to Sunday, preparing to ask Roman soldiers to open the tomb for them. Those looking to “yesterday” were in hiding. Those looking to “tomorrow” were ready to identify themselves as disciples of the man recently crucified for sedition against the Roman Empire.

In many ways, those of us who call ourselves disciples of Christ are in a similar situation to the one described above. We can live hiding in fear, looking at our painful past, or we can live boldly as disciples of the Crucified One, motivated by the prospect of a better “tomorrow,” of a better “mañana.”

Do not get me wrong: boldly living out our discipleship means that we will face opposition, oppression and even violence for the gospel of Jesus Christ. But living oriented toward Easter Sunday means that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as Christians even in the midst of a pagan culture.

Holy Saturday is all about “mañana.” It is all about “tomorrow.” Holy Saturday is all about living in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Crucified One who defeated death and who now reigns forever and ever, world without end. AMEN.
(Rev. Pablo Jiménez, D.Min)

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    워싱턴 하늘비전교회 Heavenly Vision Community Church | 담임목사: 장재웅 (Rev. Jaewoong Chang)
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