🍃몽골 김선례선교사 선교보고및 간증
(GBGM Mongolia Missionary SunRae Kim)
✍️일시: 5월 26일((주일) 오후 1시 주일친교후
(May 26th at 1:00 pm after fellowship)
✍️장소: 워싱턴(MD) 하늘비전교회
Heavenly Vision Church
(🏡7565 Teague Rd, Hanover MD 21076)
Global Ministries missionary Sun Lae Kim with a Thomas Krmper who is UMC GBGM director. She is serving in Mongolia focusing on congregational development and outreach. Blessed to hear about her work and the thriving United Methodist mission around Ulaanbaatar. Grateful for the many Korean United Methodist Churches which Support her work and the mission in Mongolia