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다리사역 Bridge Ministry

✍️Exclusive에서 transformed inclusive church

🍃Exclusive에서 Inclusive로 | 브릿지세대(Bridge)

Ronice E Branding은 그의 책자인 “Fulfilling the Dream”에서 문화적 차이점을 받아들이지 않는(cultural differences seen as deficits)고립된 배타적인(Exclusive)교회에서 차이와 다름 즉 다양성을 자산으로 보며(cultural differences seen as assets) 성경의 안디옥교회와 같이 서로의 차이점을 받아들이는 포용적인 변화된(Inclusive Transformed)교회를 추구하며 다문화권속의 여러교회의 모습을 아래와 같이 분류하였습니다.

An Excluding Church(배타적인 교회)
Enforces the racial status quo of dominance and exclusion of racial and ethnic peoples through its teachings, decision making, policies, informal practices, and employment

A Club Church(클럽교회)
Maintains the power of white privilege through its teaching, decision making, policies and practices, ministries, and employment. Tolerant of a limited number of racial and ethnic peoples with proper perspective and credentials.
May say “We don’t have a problem”

An Open Church(열린교회)
See itself as committed to inclusion of racial and ethnic peoples, affirming denomination’ pronouncements, but often unaware of habits of privilege and paternalism. Symbolic inclusion; recruits for “someone of color” on committees or office staff, but “not those who will make waves.” No contextual change in culture, policies, and decision making.

An Awakening Church(재생하는 교회)
Desires to eliminate discriminatory practices and inherent advantage. Sensitive to differences; racism awareness training. Expanding view of diversity may include disabled, elderly and children, and other socially oppressed groups. But decision makers still conform to norms and practices derived from the dominant group’s worldview.

A Redefining Church(정련된 교회)
It begins to see the benefits of a broader racial and cultural perspective in its ministry and mission. Commits to auditing all aspects of church life for openness to participation and contributions of racial and ethnic peoples. Stated agreement on willingness to struggle; shared problem solving.; win/win conflict.
New policies and models for inclusive decision making, mission and ministry

A Transformed Inclusive Church(변화된 교회)
Diversity is an asset. Church reflects contributions and interests of diverse racial, cultural, and economic groups in determining its mission, ministry, policies and practices; full participation in decisions that shape the church. A sense of community and mutual caring that is seen and felt. Commitment to confront and dismantle racism within church and broader community. Allies with others in combating social oppression.
by Ronice E Branding, Fulfilling the Dream(Chalice Press, 1998)

현재 이민교회는 교회안의 한인 1세대들간의 갈등, 1세대와 2세대, 1세대와 타문화세대와의 많은 갈등과 아픔들이 공존합니다.
이러한 갈등과 아픔을 넘어서 화해와 갱신을 추구하며 다종족,다문화권속에서 변하지 않는 예수그리스도의 복음의 진리를 어떻게 변하는 세상속에 담으며 성경적인 교회의 모습을 이루어갈 것인가 하는 고민이 우리의 과제가 되었습니다.

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    워싱턴 하늘비전교회 Heavenly Vision Community Church | 담임목사: 장재웅 (Rev. Jaewoong Chang)
Address:7565 Teague Rd Hanover MD 21076 | Cell: (410)200-3859 | Office: (410)595-6958 | Email: mdkumc@gmail.com
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