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Jesus at Jerusalem(Matthew21:1-11) by Rev. Jeaewoong Chang


✍Jesus at Jerusalem(Matthew21:1-11)
by Rev. Jeaewoong Chang

Today is the day that commemorates the day that Jesus rode a colt and was praised by the people. This is a very important holiday within the Jewish community. As jesus road the foal, the people praised him saying Hosanna. It is to remember that day that this Sunday is called Palm Sunday. In today’s message of Matthew, it is said that Jesus sent two of his disciples to retrieve the donkey and the foal. This particular incident was prophesied in the Old Testament and came to past in the new Testament. This was the time of Passover.

It is estimated that he 30km radius surrounding Jerusalem was surrounded by people. Jesus sent two people to untie the donkey and foal in a neighboring town. If the owner asks why they are taking them, the disciples are told to tell him that the Lord needs it. In the other gospels, only one colt is recorded. It is only in the book of Matthew that a donkey and a colt is recorded. Historians believe that the older donkey that was tied represents the people who were tied to the law and sin before Jesus came. Today’s message was prophesied in Zachariah 9:9. It was prophesied word for word. As Jesus rode the colt, that prophesy came to pass.

The fact that Jesus rode the colt indicates that he came with peace. It is said that Jesus was most likely about 190cm tall. This means that if he were to ride the colt, his feet most likely dragged on the ground. This signifies his humility and how humble he was. If we look in the scripture, the owner of the donkey and colt did not question the disciples when the Lord asked for them. he did not ask if the disciples were thieves. He was an owner who recognized that the true owner of the donkey was one who fully understood that Jesus and God had created them. he was able to see that it wasn’t simply a possession of his. God had a plan for a mere foal, a donkey. God surely has an elaborate plan for our church and each and every one of us.

2. There is a time for birth and death, and he knows all that is going on in our lives. All the days that are to come have already been seen and planned by the Lord. There are those who believe that life is a short journey, a wandering life that just happened to be. however, we as believers know that our lives have been individually planned and made. He has a precious plan for each and every one of us.

It is important for us to move forward in our lives as we fully believe and understand that our lives have meaning in the Lord. Jesus rode the colt as people worshipped him. He was a king, but he was riding a young colt, his feet being dragged on the streets. However, all the people came forward and praised Him saying, “Hosanna, praise the son of David.” Hosanna means save us. It comes from Hebrew. In Greek, however, the pronunciation slightly varies, but the people were saying to Jesus to save them. If we look in Psalm 118:25, it says the same message of the people. It says, “Lord, save us.” It was a similar circumstance in which the people praised and asked the Lord to save him.

This was also not simply a praise the people were singing to any king. They were singing to the Messiah. however, the people were extremely mistaken in who Jesus was. The people wanted to be saved from the oppressive government of Roman rule. They wanted to be liberated from societal oppression and persecution. However, Jesus’ intent was to break the peoples’ bondage from sin and liberate them from sin.


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    워싱턴 하늘비전교회 Heavenly Vision Community Church | 담임목사: 장재웅 (Rev. Jaewoong Chang)
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