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September 11 Fire in the Desert

September 11

Fire in the Desert
Bible in a Year:
Proverbs 10–12 2 Corinthians 4
I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.

Exodus 3:10
Today’s Scripture & Insight:

Exodus 3:1–10
While riding in the Chihuahuan Desert in the late 1800s, Jim White spotted a strange cloud of smoke spiraling skyward. Suspecting a wildfire, the young cowboy rode toward the source, only to learn that the “smoke” was a vast swarm of bats spilling from a hole in the ground. White had come across New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns, an immense and spectacular system of caves.

As Moses was tending sheep in a Middle Eastern desert, he too saw an odd sight that grabbed his attention—a flaming bush that didn’t burn up (Exodus 3:2). When God Himself spoke from the bush, Moses realized he had come to something far grander than it had first appeared. He told Moses, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham” (v. 6). God was about to lead an enslaved people to freedom and show them their true identity as His children (v. 10).

More than six hundred years earlier, God had made this promise to Abraham: “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The flight of the Israelites from Egypt was but one step in that blessing—God’s plan to rescue His creation through the Messiah, Abraham’s descendant.

Today we can enjoy the benefits of that blessing, for God offers this rescue to everyone. Christ came to die for the sins of the whole world. By faith in Him, we too become children of the living God.

By: Tim Gustafson

Reflect & Pray
What surprising things have helped you learn about God? How are you living in the knowledge that you are one of His children?

Thank You, Father, for making Yourself accessible to me despite Your great power, holiness, and overwhelming presence.

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