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July 7. Seventy Times Seven

✍️Seventy Times Seven

Peter came to Jesus and asked,

“Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?”

Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18:21-22

Endless forgiveness, Lord.

That’s what You want from me.

But sometimes forgiveness is hard. Not just for me, but no doubt also for those whom I’ve wronged.

I do need their forgiveness, Lord,

and I need Your forgiveness too.

Help me to be a great forgiver, just as You are the great forgiver of all my sins. Help me keep short accounts on those who have wronged me.

May I learn to forgive trespasses instantly, just as You forgive mine.

In Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

외로운 천재는 인맥이 튼튼한 범재를 당해내지 못합니다.
살며 사랑하며 용서하며 자신의 삶속에서 아름다운 믿음과 지식의 커뮤니티를 세워가십시요.-

모든 사람과 더불어 화평함과 거룩함을 따르라 이것이 없이는 아무도 주를 보지 못하리라(12:14)”

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the Lord(Hebrews12:14)

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297 July 8. Wrestling with waiting in prayer webmaster 2020.07.08 300
296 July 7. Seventy Times Seven webmaster 2020.07.07 306
295 July 6. A Flourishing Tree webmaster 2020.07.06 348
294 July 2. Talking Bananas webmaster 2020.07.02 313
293 Bishop Bickerton letter(NYAC) webmaster 2020.07.01 359
292 June 27. Beat Again webmaster 2020.06.26 464
291 June 26th. Deep-Rooted Faith webmaster 2020.06.25 344
290 Jun 25th. Debt Eraser webmaster 2020.06.24 342
289 Jun 24th. Let’s Pray webmaster 2020.06.24 340
288 Jun 23th underestimate ourselves webmaster 2020.06.23 400
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