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June 9 “Daily Bread” Our Reason for Joy

Bible in a Year:
2 Chronicles 32–33 John 18:19–40

Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King.Psalm 149:2

Today’s Scripture & Insight:

Psalm 149:1–5
When the school year began, fourteen-year-old C.J. would hop off the bus every afternoon and dance down his driveway. His mom recorded and shared videos of C.J.’s after-school boogie time. He danced because he enjoyed life and “making people happy” with every move. One day, two garbage collectors took time out of their busy work schedule to stomp, spin, and sway with the young boy who inspires others to dance with him. This trio demonstrates the power of sincere and infectious joy.

The writer of Psalm 149 describes the original source of enduring and unconditional joy—God. The psalmist encourages God’s people to join together and “sing to the Lord a new song” (v. 1). He invites Israel to “rejoice in their Maker” and “be glad in their King” (v. 2). He calls us to worship Him with dancing and music (vv. 1–3). Why? Because “the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory” (v. 4).

Our adoring Father created us and sustains the universe. He delights in us just because we’re His beloved children. He designed us, knows us, and invites us into a personal relationship with Him. What an honor! Our loving and living God is our reason for everlasting joy. We can rejoice in the gift of His constant presence and be grateful for every day our Maker has given us.

By: Xochitl Dixon

Reflect & Pray
Why does knowing God delights in us encourage joy in all circumstances? How can you express your joy in the Lord throughout the day?

Thanks for loving us, delighting in us, and knowing us, God. In Christ Jesus Name.  Amen

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