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Ash Wednesday Worship 재수요예배


📒일시: 2월 26일 수요일 오후 7시 30분

📬장소: 워싱턴(MD) 하늘비전교회 본당 (7565 Teague Rd. Hanover MD 21076)

📚말씀: 장재웅목사님

📜성경본문:  요엘2:1-17; 시편 51편, 막6장

요엘 Joel 2:12-17
“Even now,” declares the Lord,
“return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
13 Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave behind a blessing—
grain offerings and drink offerings
for the Lord your God.
15 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
declare a holy fast,
call a sacred assembly.
16 Gather the people,
consecrate the assembly;
bring together the elders,
gather the children,
those nursing at the breast.
Let the bridegroom leave his room
and the bride her chamber.
17 Let the priests, who minister before the Lord,
weep between the portico and the altar.
Let them say, “Spare your people, Lord.
Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn,
a byword among the nations.
Why should they say among the peoples,
‘Where is their God?’”

✍️재수요일은 사순절(사랑하며 순종하며 절제하는)시작되는 시간입니다. 사순절에서 종려주일 고난주간 그리고 부활주일로 이어지는 기간에는 우리들의 마음과 믿음그리고 삶이 새로와 지는 계절입니다.

예수님 고난과 죽음 가운데서 우리를 향한 하나님의 사랑과 은혜를 체험하는 때입니다. 그래서 참사랑이 무엇인지 배우고 예수님이 우리에게 자기 십자가를 지고 따르라 하신 말씀의 깊이를 헤아리게 되는 것입니다.  

처음 사랑 처음 열정 회복하여 참예배자로 세워지는 교회로서의 하늘 비전이 이루어지기 위해 깨어 기도하며 마음을 새롭게 해야할 때입니다.  예수의 심장가지고 두려움과 불안, 고통과 절망속에  있는 자들에게 하늘의 위로와 소망을 전할 때입니다.  나라와 민족을 위해 열방을 위해 지역사회를 위해 교회와 가정을 위해 기도할 때입니다. 

무엇보다 예수님 고난과 십자가를 속의 거울로 삼는 매일의 말씀과 기도, 훈련을 통해 고난 가운데 하나님의 영광을 드러내고 아픔 가운데 임하는 하나님의 치유와 회복의 은총을 체험하는 것입니다.

사순절의 절정인 고난주간에는 자신을 깊이 들여다 보아야 하면서 동시에 함께 살아가는 사람들, 사랑해야 하는 사람들을 위해 시간과 마음을 내어주며 버려야 것을 버리는 때입니다그리고 사람을 사랑하는 때입니다몸과 마음을 새롭게 하는 것은 물론 더욱 사랑해야 것들을 사랑하고 부활의 새벽을 기쁨으로 맞이하기 위해 속사람을 청소하며 깨끗하게 하는 때인 것을 잊지 말아야 것입니다.





 Ash Wednesday emphasizes a dual encounter: we confront our own mortality and confess our sin before God within the community of faith. The form and content of the service focus on the dual themes of sin and death in the light of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ.

Depending upon circumstances, this service may be held (1) early in the morning, before the work and school day begin; (2) at noontime, perhaps observing a fast with the deletion of the regular noon meal; or (3) early in the evening, perhaps following a shared sacrificial meal of bread and water.

The visual environment should be solemn and stark. Purple is the most traditional color throughout Lent; but on Ash Wednesday gray, with its suggestion of ashes, is especially appropriate. Dark earth colors or any somber hues are also appropriate. Rough, coarse textures such as burlap—sackcloth and ashes—suggest the character of the day and season.

The use of ashes as a sign of mortality and repentance has a long history in Jewish and Christian worship, and the Imposition of Ashes can be a powerful nonverbal and experiential way of participating in the call to repentance and reconciliation. This practice is the historic focus of Ash Wednesday observance and gave the day its name. It is traditional to save the palm branches from the previous Passion/Palm Sunday service and burn them ahead of time to produce the ashes for this service. Alternatively, ushers may distribute small cards or pieces of paper on which each person may be invited to write a particular sin or hurtful or unjust characteristic. They may then be brought forward by the ushers following the sermon and placed upon a grate to be burned with palm branches for the ashes. The ashes may be mixed with a small amount of olive oil (not water!) for Imposition of Ashes. A towel for cleansing the pastor’s hands should be provided.

Instead of Imposition of Ashes or in addition to it, Holy Communion may be celebrated. Immediately before Confession and Pardon, the congregation may be invited to turn for the rest of the service to A Service of Word and Table IV (UMH). Or the service may continue as given below through the Offering, during which the bread and wine are brought by representatives of the people to the Lord’s table with the other gifts or uncovered if already in place. After the offering, the congregation may be invited to turn to A Service of Word and Table III (UMH ) or one of the musical settings in  UMH, the pastor praying The Great Thanksgiving. If both Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion are included in the service, they should always be separated, with the people coming forward for each action.


If a brief explanation of the service is necessary, it may be done quietly during this time, allowing for a return to silence before the Greeting.

 If a choir is to process, it should do so in silence immediately before the Greeting.


 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

And also with you.

Bless the Lord who forgives all our sins.

God’s mercy endures for ever.

OPENING PRAYER* See Ash Wednesday (UMHI 353).

 HYMN *Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (UMH 269)

 SCRIPTURE LESSON Joel 2:1 –2, 12–17


If Psalm 51:1–17 ( UMH 785) is not used as the Prayer of Confession later, it may be used here.


SCRIPTURE LESSON 2 Corinthians 5:20 b –6:10

HYMN * See suggestions under Imposition of Ashes.

GOSPEL LESSON* Matthew 6:1 –6, 16–21



 The following or similar words may be spoken:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

the early Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church that before the Easter celebration there should be a forty–day season of spiritual preparation.

During this season converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when persons who had committed serious sins and had separated themselves from the community of faith

were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness,

and restored to participation in the life of the Church.

In this way the whole congregation was reminded

of the mercy and forgiveness proclaimed in the gospel of Jesus Christ

and the need we all have to renew our faith.

I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church,

to observe a holy Lent:

by self–examination and repentance;

by prayer, fasting, and self–denial;

and by reading and meditating on God’s Holy Word.

To make a right beginning of repentance,

and as a mark of our mortal nature,

let us now kneel (bow)  before our Creator and Redeemer.

A brief silence is kept, the congregation kneeling or bowed.

If there is to be no Imposition of Ashes, the service continues with Confession and Pardon.


Almighty God, you have created us out of the dust of the earth. Grant that these ashes may be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence, so that we may remember that only by your gracious gift are we given everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


The pastor, and any others assisting, take their places in front of the congregation and with word or gesture invite the congregation to come forward. The leaders dip a thumb in the ashes and make a cross on the forehead of each person.

They sing (Hymn 217) or say:

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

Or they say:

Repent, and believe the gospel.

The Imposition may be done in silence, or one or more of the following hymns in UMH may be sung:


358 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

357 Just as I Am, Without One Plea

355 Depth of Mercy

402 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian

382 Have Thine Own Way, Lord

351 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior

354 I Surrender All

491 Remember Me

352 It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord

346 Sinners, Turn: Why Will You Die?

488 Jesus, Remember Me

356 When We Are Living


The congregation prays Psalm 51:1–17 (UMH 785).

All offer prayers of confession in silence.

The pastor then says:

May the almighty and merciful God,

who desires not the death of a sinner

but that we turn from wickedness and live,

accept your repentance, forgive your sins,

and restore you by the Holy Spirit to newness of life. Amen.

Or one of the confession–pardon sequences or those in UMH 890–93 may be used.


 Let us offer one another signs of reconciliation and love.

All exchange signs and words of God’s peace.




HYMN * See suggestions above.



If the choir is to recess, it should be in silence following Dismissal with Blessing. The people may depart in silence.

Keywords: Ash Wednesday, ashes, Palm Sunday, palms, imposition, Holy Communion  


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    워싱턴 하늘비전교회 Heavenly Vision Community Church | 담임목사: 장재웅 (Rev. Jaewoong Chang)
Address:7565 Teague Rd Hanover MD 21076 | Cell: (410)200-3859 | Office: (410)595-6958 | Email: mdkumc@gmail.com
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