Junius B Dotson:제자화 시스템 개발을 위한 교회 지침서(Pdf file)





The Journey of Disciple ‘Peter’

1. Following(Mark 1:16-20)-따라감
2. Confessing(Matthew 16:13-20)-고백함
3. Faltering(Luke 22:54-62)-넘어짐
4. Transforming(John 21:1-14)-변화됨
5. Serving(John 21:15-19)-섬김
6. Proclaiming(Acts 2:29-39)-선포함
7. Crossing(Acts 10:34-38)-넘어감

(* Rev. Junius B Dotson, General Secretary of Discipleship Ministry of UMC)

*PDF. File


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