Reopen MD on Jun 5th

Maryland can now safely begin Stage Two of our Roadmap to Recovery and take more key steps that are critical for getting our economy back on track and to getting Marylanders back to work.

The list of Maryland businesses that are open is now much longer than the list of those few which will have to remain closed a while longer. Manufacturing, construction, large and small retail shops, specialty vendors, wholesalers, warehouses, and offices will all be open and operational in Maryland. Personal services such as nail salons and tanning salons may reopen at 50 percent capacity by appointment only and with strict safety protocols.

Additionally, as part of the state’s long-term testing strategy, the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Institute for Genome Sciences clinical lab is now fully operational and beginning to process COVID-19 tests.

While we are excited to get much of our economy re-started, I want to be very clear: moving to Stage Two does not mean that this crisis is behind us or that we can afford to stop being vigilant and cautious.

The people of our great state have endured so much, but in the face of the most daunting challenge in our lifetime, Marylanders have been resilient, they’ve never lost hope, and they are showing what it truly means to be Maryland Strong.

Read the full news release:

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